Wednesday, July 1, 2009


In a research that was made by a genetics scientist few years ago, the result shows that none of 300 billion bothers and sisters are the same in palm mark, in character, in potential or in talent. Which means in the whole world, every body are not the same. And most importantly it shows that you are unique, special and different with embed power that make you stand out. “so God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth” Genesis 1:27 -28 “And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, It was very good” Genesis 1: 31 What all these means is that as a man you may think less of yourself but to God you are more than ordinary, prepared to do fearful things. 
Everybody is in business to make money. However, making money isn’t enough. You need to be making a profit. You need to be doing more than just meeting your overheads and breaking even. You need to be covering your costs and taking home a sustainable amount of money. If you are not doing that you need to reconsider being in business. Profits are perhaps the most reliable measure of a business’ success. Profits enable a business to do more than just survive. They allow a business to grow. So how can you increase your profits?
The methods applied range from increasing sales, and cost reduction programs up to measures to increase productivity. While these measures became state of the art in the automation of machine-oriented processes, the ‘human resource’ is not only gaining importance, but is the focus of future optimization efforts. Workforce productivity is the basis for strategic and operational planning, and for decision processes resulting thereof. It is the foundation for transparent and understandable processes and designed to increase productivity and efficiency within a company or organization.
Allow employees to participate in the leadership rotations and assignments without an absolute requirement that upon completion they accept a promotion. This option can alleviate the fears of employees who feel that they’re not ready for leadership roles.
Not all rotational assignments turn out to be great experiences, and a poorly designed experience might be more than just a waste of time; in the extreme, it might even damage someone’s career. The key to ensuring that your employees have well-designed assignments is to identify the elements of a great assignment and to use those elements to help design all subsequent assignments.

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